Troubleshooting Error 17199 Outlook Mac with 4 Best Methods

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Summary: This blog post talks about Troubleshooting Error 17199 Outlook Mac in Outlook 2016/ 2019 or OLM to PST Conversion.

Microsoft Outlook is used nowadays around the world by numerous users for their email needs. It was initially designed for Windows OS users before the launch of the MAC operating system. The outlook for Mac has the same features and functions as that of Outlook for Windows.

The only difference between that of Windows Outlook and Mac Outlook is that it uses OLM file format to stores the data instead of PST file format.

In this, all emails, contacts, tasks etc., get saved in OLM file format in the MAC Operating System. Thus, similar to the Windows Outlook PST file, OLM file of Mac Outlook files are also prone to corruption, and get damaged or shows an error which results in an inaccessible OLM file and starts generating errors.

One such is Error Code 17199 Outlook Mac, which mainly encounters when a user sends an email and the files are not accessible. So, let us see what one should do if this outlook error is encountered.

What is Error 17199 Outlook Mac?

Sometimes while using the Outlook application, when a user tries to send an email message in Mac Outlook 2016 and he or she might receive a message- “An unknown error has occurred in Outlook. A message in your Outlook could not be sent. The account which created the message could not be found.”

Let us see what are the different ways to resolve this outlook error.

Error Code 17199 Outlook Mac

A user sometimes receives an additional message that asks them to type the email password again. In this case, you are required to click Yes and re-enter your password.

Causes of Error Code 17199 Outlook Mac

There can be various possible reasons when you get this error and get inaccessible OLM files in Mac Outlook 2016. In this error, you are not able to access OLM files. Let us see what the causes of this error in Outlook 2016/2019

  • OLM File Corruption caused due to virus or malware attack due to network connectivity.
  • Crash in Mac Outlook 2016 crashes.
  • Oversize OLM files can also cause error code 17199 Outlook Mac.
  • Abrupt termination of system and MS Outlook 2016.
  • Corruption in the storage location of the OLM file.

Manual methods to Resolve Error 17199 Outlook Mac

You can try resolving this error manually on your own by following these simple methods.

Method 1: Confirm Network Connectivity

The first thing that you need to check is the network and web connectivity. Check connectivity by logging in to any web mail service to know if its working or not.

Method 2: Delete All Emails from the Outbox

Check the Outbox folder in Outlook for Mac and delete all outgoing emails from it. After that, click on the Send/Receive option. If this issue still continues to move forward to the next step.

Method 3: Re-enter the username & password

If you want to re-enter the username and password again, follow the steps given below:

1. Open MS Outlook 2016

2. Click on Accounts from the Tool menu

3. Then, choose your email account from the left side of the Outlook window

4. Now, enter the correct email id and password

5. Next, check the listed “Incoming server” and “Outgoing server” also whether they are correct or not

6. Finally, click on the red button from the top-left corner of the window and close it.

Method 4: Rename the Existing Identity or Create a New Identity

If the above steps are not able to address the issue, then you can rename or create a new identity via Microsoft Database Utility. This is an inbuilt application and installed as part of MS Office. Therefore, this utility will recreate the Outlook identity and you can try to overcome all corruption issues, which results in error code 17199.

Resolve Error 17199 Outlook Mac by professional OLM to PST converter tool:

If the error is not fixed with the help of these manual steps, then you can opt for a much easier and convenient option that is with the help of the Sysinfo Tools OLM to PST converter tool.

Why choose OLM to PST conversion tool?

This smart OLM to PST converter tool converts all the mail items of Mac Outlook to PST, MBOX, EML & MSG file formats and exporting OLM files to these formats.

  • It can easily recover corrupted OLM files of all major versions of Mac Outlook including 2016,2013,2010 and 2007.
  • It is capable of automatically searching Mac Outlook OLM files from the system directory.
  • Shows preview of recovered data files before saving them.
  • Easily attaching new generated PST file to MS Outlook profile.
  • Saving required OLM files with a unique date range filtering option.
  • Above all, OLM to PST converter tool supports MS Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and also supports both 32 and 64 Bit Versions smartly.
Using OLM to PST Converter:

1# Open and Select the OLM files you want to convert.

Error 17199 Outlook Mac

2# After the scanning process ends, click OK

3#Click on the mailbox folder to preview files and save them.

working steps for OLM to PST Converter

4#Select a location by browsing and save the new file. Also, select PST format from the options and start saving it.

5# The saving process starts

using the olm to pst converter for  Troubleshooting Outlook Error- 17199 for MAC Outlook 2016

6# When the saving process is complete, Click OK

To Sum Up

This outlook error can occur many times and cause disruption in your work. So, in my opinion, instead of going for the lengthy manual steps you can easily install OLM to PST software and resolve Error 17199 Outlook Mac.

You can also read:

How to resolve error- USB Device Not Recognized in Windows 7/8/10?

About The Author:

I'm a content writer in the field of Email Migration, Data Recovery, Email backup, and File Management. I started this writing career two years back. I think the vast range of information in this industry is the reason I am so fascinated to read about the newer techniques and technology.

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